September 19, 2024

The Beatles sign management contract with Brian Epstein

The only contract bearing the signatures of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr and their manager Brian Epstein was signed on this day.

It replaced an earlier contract which had been signed by the group’s previous drummer Pete Best.

Ringo Starr signed the contract under his real name, Richard Starkey, and the fathers of George Harrison and Paul McCartney also signed the contract, as the pair were under 21 and needed parental consent.

Under the terms of the contract, Epstein agreed to “undertake all necessary advertising and publicity for the Artists” and to “advise the Artists on all matters concerning clothes, make-up and the presentation and construction of the Artists’ acts” in return for 25% of the group’s earnings, as long as they made in excess of £200 per week each.

🏠 Home»Miscellaneous»The Beatles sign management contract with Brian EpsteinMonday 1 October 1962 Miscellaneous No Comments
The only contract bearing the signatures of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr and their manager Brian Epstein was signed on this day.

Contract which officially broke up The Beatles to sell at Sotheby's

It replaced an earlier contract which had been signed by the group’s previous drummer Pete Best.

Ringo Starr signed the contract under his real name, Richard Starkey, and the fathers of George Harrison and Paul McCartney also signed the contract, as the pair were under 21 and needed parental consent.

Under the terms of the contract, Epstein agreed to “undertake all necessary advertising and publicity for the Artists” and to “advise the Artists on all matters concerning clothes, make-up and the presentation and construction of the Artists’ acts” in return for 25% of the group’s earnings, as long as they made in excess of £200 per week each.

Cover of contract signed by The Beatles and Brian Epstein, 1 October 1962Contract signed by The Beatles and Brian Epstein, 1 October 1962Contract signed by The Beatles and Brian Epstein, 1 October 1962
The Beatles and Epstein signed the contract at Epstein’s office at NEMS in Whitechapel, Liverpool, four days before the release of their first single ‘Love Me Do’. The signing was witnessed by Epstein’s secretary Beryl Adams.

The contract was sold at auction in London in 2008 for £240,000, and again in 2015 for £365,000 ($553,121)

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