Why it might not be necessary for the Alabama football team to use the portal in spring.

With nine days remaining for players to access the transfer portal—we haven’t seen a person enter the gateway in ten days—the chaos surrounding the portal appears to be finally coming to an end. Contrary to what some individuals and the media claimed, the departure of the Alabama Football team wasn’t that large—more than half of the departing players entered the portal before Nick Saban announced his retirement. With a handful of the moves that Kalen DeBoer brought onboard, the roster will still be in excellent shape under his leadership.

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The belief going into the spring is that Alabama Football will make a serious effort to fill any roster gaps through the spring transfer portal. But I think there are a few reasons why Kalen DeBoer won’t be using the portal for more than a few players.

1. Where are the “Holes” of the Alabama football teams?
The Alabama team of 2024 still has a ton of skill on it, enough to contend for a national championship. Despite some turnover on the roster, there are still obvious successors in place, and in the worst case scenario, there are several contenders for the starting positions.

The starting tight end, two starting guards, two experienced running backs, two experienced receivers, and the starting quarterback are all back on the offensive line.

The tackle positions are maybe the most debatable weakness in the offense, and I believe the replacements are in place. Kadyn Proctor will be replaced by Elijah Pritchett, who saw action at left tackle throughout the season. The squad also boasts a strong returnee at right tackle in Miles McVay, who filled in for JC Latham during his first year. Two other strong opponents for the club will be Olaus Alinen and Wilkin Formby, two previous four-star tackle prospects.

4-star OT Miles McVay growing comfortable with Tennessee - VolReport

The NFL Draft cost the defense more than it did to gain access to the transfer site, but the defense has suffered more from departures. Dallas Turner and Andrew Luck, the team’s starting two-edge rushers, were selected in the NFL Draft.

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