BAD NEWS The Dallas Jenkins. Aer orredy disaid to quit…..

Gen Z is loving “The Chosen.”

That’s according to Dallas Jenkins, who recently told The Dallas Morning News that the show has resonated with younger audiences.

“We’re in a world, on social media, especially, where everything can feel fake or processed. Gen Z is really loving the show more than I expected, and


they keep saying because it feels real; it feels authentic,” Jenkins said. “So that’s, I think, my biggest takeaway: Tell the truth. Something that’s sentimental isn’t bad, but if it’s false sentiment, that’s when it becomes cheesy.”


We’re now just days away from the release of Season 4 of “The Chosen.” The season has been billed as intense and emotional. It’s expected to be more emotional than seasons past. At this point, Jesus’ ministry is underway and

his disciples are paying more attention to the miracles he’s performing. His enemies are, too. During the season, it’s expected that he’s going to face more opposition to his ministry and the pace will soon quicken.

“Now I will say also there’s lots of joy, there’s lots of laughter, there’s lots of miracles that we get to experience, which is one of the reasons why we want people to see this on the big screen and see this together,” Jenkins told Fox

News. “But Season 4 is a time where the fact that people around Jesus just aren’t quite getting it and the reason that he’s here does start to get bigger and more important in his ministry.”

The character who experiences a lot of these emotions is Jesus. “It’s easy to forget that in the Bible, Jesus tells the disciples he’s going to die multiple times. And for some reason, it doesn’t register,” Jenkins said. “They just keep


saying, ‘OK, interesting, not sure what you mean, but can we get back to the conversation about who’s the most important in the group and where we all fit?’ We explore Jesus’ growing sadness that the human race just isn’t understanding his timeline or priority list.”

Jonathan Roumie, the actor who plays Jesus, recently explained what sorts of lessons he expects the audience to see play out on the screen.

“I think the biggest lesson is to trust,” Roumie told Movieguide. “Trust is a big one. It’s like, no matter how often Jesus tries to tell (the disciples), at this point, he’s telling them very plainly, very

clearly, like, trust me, this is going to happen, but trust me, and it’s just one of the hardest lessons to try to be taught.”

It’s similar to something Noah James, the actor who plays Andrew, said a couple months ahead of the release. “I think that ‘The Chosen’ does a really good job of creating a space where people can

feel that. People can look at their lives and say, ‘Maybe, I’m not handling things the way that I should be handling the

or ‘How do I deal with questioning of issues of faith or issues of interpersonal relationships,’” James said. “This season is like, if you haven’t done that before, a punch in the face.”

  • ‘The Chosen’ cast and crew on Season 4: ‘Very emotional’ and ‘a phenomenon’

Roumie also opened up about how the season is leading up to the crucifixion, which is expected to occur in Season 6. The show will run for seven seasons.

It’s leading us to the inevitable, you know,” Roumie also said to Movieguide. “It’s leading us to the arrest. It’s leading us to the crucifixion. It’s leading us to Jesus’ death on the cross, setting it all


up. We see in Jesus; I think in many aspects acknowledging this. We see a lot of sadness and the pain that he endures in many places throughout the season.”

Ahead of the Season 4 release, Roumie also talked to CBN about how he feels like God is helping him during his career.

“I’m just kind of following where he’s leading me,” Roumie said. “And my entire life and career has led me to this point, and what happens going forward and where God puts me and how he

develops my career is up to him. I just pray to always be complicit in his designs and to not try to steamroll with my own hopes and desires.”

designs and to not try to steamroll with my own hopes and desires.

When does ‘The Chosen’ Season 4 start?

Episodes 1 to 3 of “The Chosen” Season 4 debut in theaters Thursday. Episodes 4 to 6 will release on Feb. 15 and the remaining two episodes premiere on Feb. 29.

‘The Chosen’ Season 4 streaming release date

Streaming dates have not yet been announced for the show. Seasons 1 to 3 are available to watch on The Chosen app or the Angel app.

How long are ‘The Chosen’ episodes?

According to Cinemark, here are the run times for each group of the episod

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Gen z may not know where doctrine diverges to splices of non doctrine. That’s the problem. Like milennials

I absolutely LOVE the Chosen, but am very dissappointed that you have succumbed to greed, forcing people to pay movie theater prices (twice!) to see the rest of the chosen, not to mention
delaying the priveledge of seeing the end for old people who could fall over dead before it ever airs, or for people unable to get out at all. IMHO You should have finished the whole series then showed it all on a free network if you really care about saving souls! Please
remember that for the future. I understand the pandemic and writer’s strike were beyond your control, but if you had finished it all before you ever released it the issue would be moot. I
also realize we know all how the story ends, but still, I am very dissappointed…
:-(. I was considering joining the LDS church but this display of greed would makes me rethink my decision.



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