In Michigan, Betrayal Politics Are at Play….

Betrayal is a strong feeling, particularly when voting. Feeling deceived, voters often behave like rejected lovers, punishing the offending party with the election of an even worse candidate.Briggs: No, Harbaugh is not 'betraying' Michigan as he strips its coaching staff to the bone | The Blade

That is how President Donald Trump came to be in America. Once strongholds of the Democratic Party, many blue-collar workers in industrial towns in battleground states like Michigan, Ohio, and Pennsylvania supported a candidate who pledged to rip up free trade deals, which they blamed for the loss of manufacturing jobs. They didn’t seem to care that Mr. Trump had no history of defending workers or that attempts by staff members at his properties to form unions were met with union-busting techniques.

Recognizing this, Joe Biden resolved to make amends for the Democratic Party’s transgressions in 2020 by running on a platform of becoming the most pro-union president in history, a pledge he has fulfilled. It goes beyond the fact that he was the first president in office to join a picket line. According to labor historian Jeff Schuhrke, it goes beyond the fact that he picked the most pro-union National Labor Relations Board since the 1930s. It’s everything his appointees are doing in the background.

The Cemex ruling, for instance, was issued by Mr. Biden’s National Labor Relations Board and facilitates employees’ ability to obtain collective bargaining rights against companies. Because of that decision, businesses now have to take prompt action to either recognize an existing union or give employees the option to vote on whether to create one. Businesses will be forced to recognize the union and begin negotiations with it as if it had won a vote if they continue to procrastinate, which is a common strategy used to prevent organizing. The United Auto Workers will find great value in this criterion as they endeavor to unionize 150,000 autoworkers at Hyundai, Mercedes-Benz, and other facilities across the nation.

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