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NewsNow UK’s Advertising Data
We collaborate with various ad networks that display advertisements on the NewsNow website; some of these

choose which ads to display based on “interest-based” or “behavioural” targeting. They accomplish this by gathering

anonymous data about you from other websites you visit (like when you search for a specific product or brand), which they then store in (or refer to using) a

cookie that is placed in your browser. This implies that they may know to show you advertisements for a specific

product when you are on the NewsNow website after you have browsed for it on another website. Thus gathered data shouldn’t allow for your personal identification.

For many, this increases the relevancy of the advertisements they see. We acknowledge, though, that some individuals may find behavioral

targeting upsetting or bothersome. You can follow these guidelines to choose not to see these advertisements:

Go to the Digital Advertising Alliance, the Network Advertising Initiative, or the IAB.

You can choose not to see advertisements from a variety of different major ad networks by using these services. Alternatively, you can choose not to see any behavioral or

interest-based advertisements from any of the providers listed by checking the box labeled “Select All” and then clicking “Submit your choices.” When doing so, kindly be aware of:

As previously mentioned, even though you have opted out, you should no longer see advertisements from the providers based on your online browsing activity;

You will have to go through this opt-out process on each computer and/or browser you use if you use multiplex computers and/or browsers. A lot of opt-outs function by setting a cookie on your computer browser, which tells the

advertiser or ad network not to set any more cookies on your browser. You will have to repeat the opt-out procedure if these cookies are removed.

Independent opt-out services are run by a few of the advertising networks we partner with. Therefore, you might also want to go to these websites and click the appropriate “opt-out” buttons or links:

Google offers the following information on how to remove oneself from interest-based advertising:

Are you aware that NewsNow Classifieds is a one-stop shop for goods and services that you can buy and sell? To view advertisements, click the following links

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