New Update Former rugby player Louis County is heading to the NFL to play for the Kansas City Chiefs, where he will be paired with Taylor Swift’s boyfriend Travis Kelce.

Former rugby player Louis Rees fame, will join Taylor Swift’s boyfriend Travis

Kelce at the Kansas City Chiefs The NFL dream of the former Welsh rugby player is about to come true.

When Louis , a former standout player in Welsh rugby, signs with the Kansas City Chiefs on Friday, his NFL dreams will finally come true. The Chiefs are the 2024 Super Bowl Champions. When the 23-

year-old former full-back and winger announced earlier this year that he would be hanging up his boots to pursue a career in American football, the rugby community was taken aback.

Ex-Rugby star Louis county to NFL to join Taylor Swift’s boyfriend Travis Kelce at Kansas City Chiefs

The former Welsh Rugby’s star NFL dream is set to become realit
Former Rugby star is set for a shock connection to Taylor Swift in NFL move

The former Welsh rugby star Louis is set to have his NFL dreams come true when he signs for the 2024 Super

Bowl Champions, Kansas City Chiefs on Friday. The 23-year-old former winger and full-back shocked the world of rugby when he announced earlier this year he

would be hanging up his boots in favour of pursuing a career in American Football.

completed a ten-week training camp as part of the league’s International Player

Pathway programme and, after meeting with several NFL teams, US reports indicate he will now team up with the back-to-back Super Bowl champion

Kansas City Chiefs. Bleacher Report’s NFL insider Jordan Schultz noted on Wednesday that the former full-back’s upcoming future with the likes of

Patrick  and Taylor Swift’s boyfriend Travis Kelce is due to be confirmed on Friday. The Mirror also writes that the contract is set to be worth $900,000 (£703,900).

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