Playing any of these four games can currently earn you free  on your  .

Playing any of these four games can currently earn you free  on your.

PSVR2 review: Sony finally gets virtual reality right | The Independent

Now, you may get a little additional free store credit if you own a PlayStation, one of four selected titles, and a positive mindset. There is no negotiation on the first two items. The third would only be a nice perk.

You are undoubtedly aware that PlayStation has its own loyalty program, known as PlayStation Stars, which allows you to earn free downloads and occasionally points that can be exchanged for free store credit.

Usually, all it takes to get these points is to complete a specific task, like buying a certain item or starting a particular game on a given day. As of this writing, purchasing any of the PSVR2 games will earn you a nice 50 points:

Of course, owning a PSVR2 headset is basically a must if you want to get the most out of this. However, if you’re set on merely earning points without considering the possibility of making money, I suppose you could just go ahead and purchase a game that you are unable to play. Your life is at stake.PSVR2 review: Sony finally gets virtual reality right | The Independent

If you play one of the free PlayStation Plus games for April before the end of the month, you can also earn an extra 50 points. In case you are unaware of what those are, they are:

Oh, and if you play any of the following four games, you’ll receive an additional 50 bonus points:
It’s important to note that although these additional points don’t really translate into much in the way of store credit, they do stack up very rapidly. Furthermore, any savings on the ever-increasing cost of AAA games is greatly appreciated. Don’t you think so?



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