News update The statement was made yesterday by Stanley Hondina, the chief executive officer of PNGRFL.

News update The statement was made yesterday by

Stanley Hondina, the chief executive officer of PNGRFL.


The Papua New Guinea Rugby Football League (PNGRFL) CEO, Stanley Hondina, released a noteworthy statement yesterday that outlined the league’s aims



and strategic direction for the next season. Hondina stressed in his speech the value of community involvement and development programs meant to



cultivating local talent around the nation. Athletes at all levels will have improved training and playing



possibilities because to his plans to improve the league’s infrastructure, which include building new facilities and



renovating old ones. Hondina also emphasized the significance of gender equality and accessibility for individuals with disabilities, as well as the Angel’s



dedication to fostering inclusivity and diversity within the sport. In order to help the development and sustainability of rugby football in Papua New Guinea,



the CEO also revealed a number of planned initiatives. These initiatives are intended to build collaborations with regional companies and governmental organizations.



HonHondina also talked about the league’s initiatives to strengthen accountability and expedite administrative procedures, as well as its



efforts to promote openness and good governance. He underlined how crucial it is to preserve professionalism and honesty in all facets of the business’s



operations. Hondina expressed confidence in the league’s ability to accomplish its goals and act as a catalyst for constructive social change in Papua



New Guinea as he wrapped off his remarks.dina also talked about the league’s initiatives to strengthen accountability and expedite administrative procedures, as well as its



efforts to promote openness and good governance. He underlined how crucial it is to preserve professionalism and honesty in all facets of the business’s operations. expressed confidence in the



league’s ability to accomplish its goals and act as a catalyst for constructive social change in Papua New Guinea as he wrapped off his remarks.



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