How Bryce Harper of the Philadelphia Phillies assisted a student in getting a prom date….

Phillies' Bryce Harper goes viral after awesome assist in prom proposal

A prom is an unforgettable evening that this teen could find difficult to top.

In a video that went viral and was shared by Major League Baseball, Jake Portello, a student at Haddonfield Memorial High School in Haddonfield, New Jersey, asked Philadelphia Phillies star Bryce Harper for assistance with a prom proposal.

Harper and Portella may be seen in the footage waiting at Giulia Leonetti’s front door. When Leonetti opens the door and sees Harper—who didn’t hold back—he is obviously taken aback.

Phillies' Bryce Harper goes viral after awesome assist in prom proposal

As Leonetti stands there, her hands over her mouth in shock, he continues, “Jake wants to ask you to prom, so I thought I’d help him out.”

Will you accompany him to prom then? the two-time National League

After hugging Harper, Leonetti turns to embrace Portello.

Of course, the real question is: How on earth did Portello persuade Harper to assist him?

He told, “I’ve been thinking about prom ideas for a few weeks, and I knew I wanted to do something Phillies-themed because she loves the Phillies so much.” “There are some Phillies players that live in town; it would be awesome if I could get one of them to help me with it,” I said to a friend.

Thinking of making a sign that said, “Will you go to prom with me?” Portello went on Harper’s door and asked if the slugger could help in any way, implying that she would be proposing to him in a few days. After writing down Portello’s email address, Harper promised to see what he could do to help.